Have you guy's ever went to the pet store to buy a pet, and can't decide which pet to buy? When your standing in front of a pet you want, but you think their too much trouble, and they'll cause a big commotion in your house? Well, here are some small pet's and some small notes about them!
Adorable little animals that are very amusing, and fun to play with. Well, it's not hard to pick what colour you want your hamster to be, they come in a variety of colours! Some are very furry, some have marks around there body, and more! They're not much of a trouble, they need water, food, some company once in a while, and a toy to play with. One thing about hamster's is that their nocturnal, sleep in the day and stay awake at night. They can get really grumpy if they're awoken in their sleep during the day, and will sometimes bite you if you start to bother them.
They're a lot like hamster's, but they tend to be more active and they seem to get frightened more easily. They get startled when they get picked up, and other then that, they are basically like hamster's.
Guinea Pigs
Guinea pig's are just like hamster's or gerbil's, but one more advantage they have, is that they're stronger and can take more of a hit then hamster's can. They don't need all the fancy stuff, like tube's, wheel's and other stuff. Just water, food, and some fruit once in a while. Other then that, there one of the best small pet's a child can have.
Rats make a great pet for people without the fear of them, people who are scared of rats, might not want to get rats as a pet. One of these people are me, personally I'm afraid of these little creatures. Even though I do agree they are cute, but I'm just not fond of them. They do make better pet's in a larger cage, and they might need a cage mate, but don't worry, two rat's are easier to take care of! They're very social, and won't just sit there, they're fun to teach tricks to, and they are not as fragile. They bond with humans better then guinea pigs, and they have fun!
Fish, in my opinion are one of the EASIEST pet's to take care of, and they are very amusing to watch. All you need to do is basically buy it an aquarium and a couple of friend's and feed it once in a while. I would put a couple of toys inside so it could have fun, and maybe a mini castle, or a rock so it can maybe play hide and seek. Who knows, in a couple of week's they could have breed-ed a couple of fish, and maybe be more social with each other. One thing I don't recommend, is leaving it in a small area, or near another pet, because if someone grabs a hold of the fish, they might tip over the aquarium, and maybe kill the fish, and we don't want that to happen!
Well, next time you go to the pet store, you might have a better idea of what pet to buy! (:
Have fun, and take care.
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