Aloe Vera is a miracle medicinal plant that has been used for health and beauty purposes since ancient times.
The miracle herb Aloe Vera is one of the real boons gifted by nature to human beings. One of the oldest known plants, it has been used in several millennia for various health and beauty purposes. Greeks, Egyptians, Indians, Mexicans, Japanese, Chinese, all loved to use the plant alike. Where Christopher Columbus and Alexander the Great used Aloe Vera to treat their soldier’s wound, beauty legends and Egyptian queens like Cleopatra and Nefertiti used it as a part of their regular beauty regimes.
A brief introduction of Aloe Vera- The plant derives it’s name “Aloe” from Arabic word “Alloeh” which means bitter, where as “Vera” in Latin means “true or genuine”. Due to it’s area of origin, plant is also referred as “Lily of desert” and due to it`s magical healing potency, it is called “the plant of immortality”, “Wand of Heaven” and the “First Aid plant”. In ancient Greece it was regarded as universal panacea. The very first reference to Aloe Vera in English was given by John Good yew in A.D. 1655 in a book that he translated from any other language. Although the species was described as “Aloe Vera” by Nicolas Laurens Burman in 1768 in his book “Flora Indica”. In India it is found mainly in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and TamilNadu. It`s various common Indian names are - Hindi: Guarpatha, Ghikanvar, Sanskrit: Gritakumari, kumari, Malayalam: Kumari, Marathi: Korphod, Tamil: Chirukuttali, Telugu: Chinna Kalabanda, Oriya: Kumari, Canarese: Lolisara etc. Aloe Vera is a stem less or very short stemmed succulent plant that probably originated in African countries and gradually spread in tropical and sub tropical regions world wide, where weather conditions were not chilling. Today there are around 250 species of Aloe Vera found world wide, but only 4 or 5 are commonly used in medicines. The most common of them is Aloe Babandensis. Aloe Vera spreads by offsets and root sprouts. It`s leaves are green or gray-green, flashy, and thick with a serrated margin. Some varieties show white flecks on the upper and lower stem surface. The plant produces yellow flowers in summer which grows on a spike up to 90cm tall. Each leaf of Aloe Vera is made of three layers- (1) inner clear gel containing 99% of water, rest of this layer contains glucommannas, amino acids, lipids, sterols and vitamins. (2) Middle layer of latex which is bitter and contains anthraquinones and glycosides. (3) The outer thick layer or rind which synthesizes carbohydrates and proteins.
Medicinal properties and uses- Aloe Vera has almost all the chief nutrients that the human body requires. That’s why herbalists describe it as universal panacea. It contains almost 75 potentially active constituents like vitamins, minerals, enzymes, salicylic, lignin, sugars, acids and amino acids, saponins etc.
The plant is so rich in amino acids that it provides 20 out of 22 amino acids required by the human body. It contains vitamin A, C and E which acts as antioxidants. Besides, the plant is a good source of vitamin B12, chlorine and folic acid and enzymes. Aloe Vera is a rich source of minerals. Its leaves contain calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, Zink, chromium, selenium etc. The plant also contains hormones like Auxins and gibberellins. These are the components that give the plant wound healing potency and have anti- inflammatory actions. Aloe Vera is considered very effective in treating the pancreas, kidney, liver stomach and small intestine diseases. It stimulates the immune system hence helps the body fighting various diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungus.
Use in dermatology- Due to it’s special effects on skin, Aloe Vera is regarded as the queen plant by the dermatologists It stabilizes digestive system, therefore providing proper nourishment to the skin. It acts as a good cleanser for the skin by fighting extra amount of melanin. Aloe Vera gel helps to erase blemishes and dark spots that are generally caused as after pregnancy-effects on the face. It makes the skin pores clear and healthy and free from acne. It’s anti- aging potency is now well proved by the scientists. It’s anti-oxidant components help in fighting with age related changes. It also acts as a good moisturizer for the skin. Not only this, Aloe Vera products also work as a good conditioner for hair giving them proper nourishment.
Side effects- Although herbalists deny any serious side effects but in some cases it has showed some mild side effects like redness, burning, stinging sensation etc. According to doctors it is better to not take Aloe Vera orally during pregnancy and breastfeeding, because some of the components present in it may create some health complications for mother as well as the little baby.
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