
IELTS reading exercises - Các loại bài tập chính của IELTS

These are main types of IELTS exercises. Note that not all of them will appear in a test. Different types will require different techniques to deal with.

1. Matching:
  • Headings and paragraphs
  • Who says what (understanding authors' views)
  • Parts of sentences
  • Statements and paragraphs
2. True, False, Not given or Yes, No, Not given
3. Text completion: usually not more than 3 words
  • Filling in the summary: without or with word list provided. In the latter, words can be either exact or paraphrased from the text.
  • Filling in the table
  • Filling in a short sentences
  • Filling in a paragraph
4. Labelling
5. MCQ (Multiple-choice questions).
6. Short answers to questions: not more than 3 words

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